7 Reasons Why White Bumps Appear on Your Skin and How to Fix Them
Little white bumps on your skin may seem harmless, but figuring out what causes and types they are can be confusing. To help, we spoke to two dermatologists about the different causes of white bumps and how to treat them. Read on to learn her tips for identifying and treating white bumps.
From 07
“Milyas are tiny cysts under the skin that look like tiny, smooth, white bumps,” King explains. While they typically appear under the eyes or on the forehead, she says they can also appear anywhere on the face, neck, or chest. Milia can develop naturally or as a result of comedogenic products.
DeRosa tells us that they “usually go away on their own or with gentle exfoliation or topical tretinoin,” but “if that doesn’t work, milia can be exposed with a scalpel blade or needle and then removed by a professional,” King notes. “Topical retinoids and hydroxy acids can also help prevent milia and speed their resolution.” ”
Starting in 2007
“A cyst is a small sac in the tissue that is usually filled with fluid or pus,” says DeRosa. “The two types of cysts we encounter most often are acne cysts and epidermal inclusion cysts (sometimes called sebaceous cysts),” King adds, noting that acne cysts aren’t technically cysts because they don’t have a wall around them.
Cysts can be caused by skin irritation or they can appear on their own for no apparent reason. “Epidermal inclusion cysts can occur anywhere on the body and are made up of a layer similar to the skin on the outside of the body, with a collection of old skin cells, sebum, and keratin in the middle,” King says. The solution is surgery: “The cyst’s capsule (lining) needs to be removed, so surgical removal of the cyst is the best way to get rid of it, especially if it’s inflamed or infected,” says DeRosa.
Starting in 2007
Clogged pores
If your pores can’t drain, they’re clogged. DeRosa explains, “They form when dead skin cells and oil get stuck in pores, which can lead to blackheads, or pimples.”
According to King, clogged pores are “the result of hormonal and genetic factors,” and “using comedogenic products on the skin can make it worse. Our dermatologists recommend products with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.” Over-the-counter or prescription topical retinoids, or a blackhead remover.
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From 07
According to King, eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is “the most common chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by a disrupted skin barrier,” DeRosa says. “You may experience a rash or thickening of the skin, as well as oozing fluid.” In addition, the skin may crack, dry out, and form scabs. ”
“Treatment usually involves reducing the triggers of your breakouts,” DeRosa explains. “It’s not uncommon for eczema to be stress-related (or worse), so try to avoid stressors or find constructive ways to cope with your eczema,” King adds. “It’s systemic.” Immunomodulators can help in more severe cases. ”
Starting in 07
DeRosa says, “Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks the cells that produce pigment.” She explains, “While there is a genetic basis, there are some known triggers for vitiligo, including sunburn and deep chemical peels (such as phenolic peels). ”
King says, “We can’t cure vitiligo, but vitiligo treatments include topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, and light therapy,” and that “the FDA approved a new topical JAK inhibitor called Opzelura in June 2022 for the treatment of vitiligo. Other treatments include skin grafts and camouflage makeup, according to DeRosa.
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Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis (IGH)
King says IGH is caused by excessive UV radiation, aging, or genetic factors and “appears as small, flat white or light-colored patches, usually several, on areas of skin exposed to the sun.1
To combat this, DeRosa recommends that you “limit sun exposure by covering yourself up and using a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.” Additionally, she says “topical corticosteroids, topical retinoids, lasers, and microdermabrasion can help reduce their appearance.”
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Tinga versicolor
Tinga versicolor is a fungal skin infection caused by an overgrowth of a yeast called Malassezia furfur, DeRosa tells us. “Tinga versicolor sometimes causes itching in areas of skin discoloration of various colors (brown, red, white, pink, or yellow),” King also explains that it “can cause a rash with fine scales and light or dark discoloration of the skin, especially on the shoulders, chest, and back.” ”
To prevent this, King recommends using Selsun Blue (or another shampoo containing selenium sulfide) regularly and lathering it onto your shoulders, chest, and back. “Selenium sulfide kills the yeast that causes the problem,” she explains.
Once you develop tinea versicolor, “treatment involves oral or topical antifungal medications and avoiding triggers like humidity, overheating, and sweating,” DeRosa says. However, just because the disease is gone doesn’t mean it’s gone. ” King notes that this often happens, especially if you live in a humid or warm place.
There are a variety of reasons why white bumps appear on your skin, from clogged pores to fungal overgrowth. Some spots are hereditary or caused by the immune system, while others occur naturally or are caused by sun damage. If you’re struggling with bumps, it’s best to see a dermatologist who can help you figure out the cause of the problem and seek treatment.